The Square Café – Gibraltar


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It was a grey, cold, levante morning in Gibraltar yesterday. I awoke to a mist-covered Rock and the complaints of locals expressing their discontent at the change in the glorious summer weather that preceeded.  Nonetheless I decided to venture into town with my grandmother for breakfast, I was after all on holiday.

Having decided we would like Churros, (I think it’s a must, at least once in a while), we ventured into Casemates Square. The Square would be our haunt for the morning.

“1/2 Churros, 1/2 Papitas, Tea and Descafeinado con leche please.”

The atmosphere was buzzing, children with their grandparents, an array of generations enjoying each other’s company discusssing the upcoming day’s events, whether the weather will “open up” so they can go to the beach and most importantly… what’s for lunch?

After several minute’s wait our order arrived and I was pleasantly surprised. The portions were ample for two and after several hours full of chatter and a few teas later we were satisfied enough to leave.

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